Some insist that individuals can only repair their credit after waiting years for negative items to be removed. Please don’t believe them. has been doing this for a long time. In that time, we have found that through continually refining and redefining our strategies, we have secured methods that provide optimal performance. Although the details of the process change as new laws are passed, and regulations are added, the underlying principle has remained virtually the same when challenging inaccurate or unverifiable information from a credit report.
Here are the essential steps!
We want to get to know you, not your Credit Card
Our counselors will never ask for a social security number or credit card.
We examine your credit reports from three major bureaus.
Experian, Equifax, & TransUnion.
We develop a plan for which items to dispute. We will go over your report in detail with you and present our project, which things we will discuss. You can access a detailed status of this progress 24/7 at our password-protected customer service website.
The Agents work your case.
The Agents begin to work your items by using its arsenal of credit report strategies and experienced staff to challenge negative things. Each case is different, and depending on the number of negative items on your credit reports, this step will be repeated for each subsequent loop through the cycle…

We require a 3-bureau report to start and may request new information from time to time to update your progress, so you should allow for this additional expense. Upon signup, we will provide links to our top choices.
Getting Started
$225.00 USD
for the first month
Then $99.00 USD for each month
If you need help call us
@ 832-696-0755
***Customized payment plans available.***
* WE DO CARE * Bring your credit to the next level.

755creditscore does not provide tax, legal or financial advice. If you need any legal advice, you must contact a licensed attorney. Comments about the possible and potential outcome of the Client’s matters are based on experience and prior success in these matters. 755creditscore does not guarantee the permanent removal of accurate and verifiable information. A Client’s active participation in providing 755creditscore all requested documents, forms, and information, including investigation results, is essential for an accurate credit report. Individual results may vary. 755creditscoredoes business exclusively within the State of Texas. (Client) has initiated contact with 755creditscorefor purposes of retaining its Texas-based services. 755creditscore performance under its(contract) will be solely within the State of Texas. The parties agree that 755creditscore has not established contacts within or availed itself of the laws of any state other than Texas.